Welcome To Coffee Cup's World [Q191]

Welcome To Coffee Cup's World [Q191]
WeAre3% -Remember Lexington & Concord

American Standoff -Weaponized US Government Agency

American Standoff - Facts Matter 

The Mysterious Acts of a Weaponized US Government Agency 

LaVoy Finicum Did Not Die In Vain. 

- Who is the BLM? 

Quick Review "Public Lands"

BLM - The OverView


Colorado Wilderness (below)

- What was created to Cover up the BLM's Actions? And By Whom?

- Who funded the Cover-up?

- Why as the Cover-up allowed?

- What did the created entity harm?

- What is it all about really?

- The incident we all witnessed (1/27/2016).

Now U.S.History - STATUS: NOT CLOSED. 

The Investigation in part

"LaVoy Finicum Did Not Die In Vain" - See "Dead Man Talking" for more. 

Dead Man Talking - The Movie

The Day Before (Jan 26, 2016) LaVoy Speaks Truth.

Bonus Round - 14 years as a prosecutor

American Standoff - The Mysterious Acts of a Weaponized US Government Agency - Now U.S.History - NOT CLOSED. LaVoy Finicum Did Not Die In Vain. 

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